What materials will the turbo shear cut?
The TS1 cuts 20-gauge (1.02 mm) galvanized steel (HVAC duct work, auto body panels), 24-gauge (.63 mm) non hardened carbon steel and stainless steel (metal roofing panels), 16-gauge (1.2 mm) aluminum (trim coil, flashing), and .050 inch (1.27 mm) copper (metal roofing, gutters).
How clean is the cut?
TS1, Turboshear metal cutting series will make clean cuts throughout the range of thicknesses of material listed above. The tool will need to be adjusted when going from very thin to thick material and vice versa.
How do you adjust the tool to get the optimum cut?
TS1 - The clearance between the cutting jaws is adjustable in order to achieve the optimum cut for thick or thin material. To adjust, locate the 3/16” set screw on the back of the tool, towards the front of the tool near the jaws. Turn it clockwise to tighten the gap of the jaws for thinner material or counterclockwise to make the gap of the jaws larger for thicker material.