Lucas #1000SP Elastomeric Base Coating is a 100% acrylic elastomeric roof coating intended for application to EPDM, PVC polyurethane foam roofs. Lucas #1000SP is formulated specifically for improved adhesion to these substrates. A higher degree of rubber-like elasticity allows this product to match the elastic characteristic of single ply membranes. Lucas #1000SP must be top-coated with Lucas #1000TC. Lucas #1000SP is formulated from 100% acrylic polymers developed specifically for adhering to single ply surfaces. This is a water-based material and must be kept from freezing.
*Pricing does not include shipping
Mechanically mix before using. Do not store above 90ºF. Apply only at temperatures above 40ºF and rising with less than 90% humidity and no threat of rain for 48 hours. Surfaces must be power-washed clean with a suitable residue- free detergent such as Lucas #115. The surface may be damp but must be free of standing water. Surface temperatures should be under 100ºF to avoid premature curing. If roof surface is hot, apply a light water spray to reduce its temperature
This product displays very good resistance to ponding water. However, when applied to areas that retain water permanently or near-permanently, service life will be severely diminished and adhesion failure can be expected. Apply with a roller or suitable spray equipment at the rate of 1.25 to 1.5 gallons per 100 sq. ft. A second coat of #1000TC (Top Coating) is required. Spray application is preferred as it will yield a smoother surface that will be less likely to pick up dirt. Drying time to second coat @ 70ºF is 2 to 4 hours. Clean up uncured coating with soap and water.
Lucas #1000SP may be used for complete restoration of single ply roofs when combined with polyester fabric reinforcement. For complete encapsulation of the roof, 40 inch widths of fabric should be embedded in 2 gallons per 100 sq. ft. of coating. An additional two coats of Lucas #1000TC at 1.5 gallons per 100 sq. ft., totaling 3 gallons, should be applied to the top surface. All laps should be a minimum of 4 inches. Alternately, the applicator may elect to reinforce only the seams—where failure is most likely. Apply Lucas #1000SP at the rate of 2 gal per 100 sq. ft., embed 6 or 12 inch wide fabric centered on the seam followed by an additional 2 gal. per 100 sq. ft. of #1000TC on top of the fabric. Coat the entire roof with one coat each of #1000SP and #1000TC as described previously.
Avoid prolonged contact with skin or fumes. If irritation occurs seek medical attention. Keep out of reach of children. Read MSDS prior to use.