Tools Needed:
- Electric Screw Gun
- Rag
- String Line
- Tape Measure
VersaGard should be placed in the flat of the panel, between the ribs, and
never straddling a striation. VersaGard must be mounted directly over and
into the supporting structure of the roof, i.e. wood decking, wood or steel
purlins, or trusses, NEVER into the metal roofing material alone.
To accommodate various rib heights and to support one- or two-pipe
preferences, VersaGard comes with two 1.05" holes (1" pipe not included).
To support PV installation, the diagonal “slot” provides height flexibility
To Install VersaGard
1.Determine the location of the supporting structure of the roof. VersaGard can be installed parallel (for snow retention
or PV installations) or perpendicular to the rib (for PV installations). When possible, secure VersaGard using all hole
locations; when not possible, always use the two upslope hole locations. The only surface preparation necessary is to
simply wipe away excess oil and debris.
2. Peel the release paper from the base, align, and apply to roof surface.
3. Secure the VersaGard by drilling screws into the pre-punched holes directly into the supporting structure of the roof.
Consult the S-5! Load Table at for more information. To ensure they are installed in a straight
line, install a single VersaGard on each end of the roof at a measured, consistent distance from the bottom edge of the
roof. Use a string line between the two VersaGards. Mount the remaining VersaGards along the string line, directly into
the supporting structure of the roof.