Price: $85.00
Item #376-1010
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Precision formed from polymer coated steel to prevent
corrosion. Rectangular dual gripping legs, 1.7” long.
Technical Data
Approvals: FM-60 fasteners maintain Factory Mutual and Underwriters Lab Approvals.
Fastening Pattern: Consult Factory Mutual or Underwriters Lab
requirements for recommended pattern in normal, exposed, and
hurricane areas.
Field Testing: On-site withdrawal testing should always be
performed to evaluate the ability of the roofing substrate to satisfactorily accept and retain fasteners. Such testing may alter fastener
selection and modify applicable fastening patterns.
Equipment: Always use the ES Magnetic Driver to assure proper
fastener installation.
Method: Drive FM-60 as an ordinary nail. DO NOT TOE. Seat cap
flush with roofing surface (see illustration).
Operation: As FM-60 is driven, dual legs diverge and cut a plug of
deck material that wedge and anchor the FM-60 in its own hole. No
pre-drilling is required.
Packaging: 3,000 FM-60 fasteners per carton. Gross weight: 57 lbs.
Shrink wrapped and palletized.
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