What Is GreenSlope?
Lightweight recycled materials, GreenSlope can be applied to the roof surface to fill low areas where water pools in flat rooftops. It comes in a do-it-yourself kit that can be installed on any roof type to bring the roof back to its original slope, eliminating problematic water ponding areas. When the material cures, the texture, and bond strength is similar to that of professional running tracks and playground surfaces — built to withstand harsh weathering conditions as well as foot traffic. This option can help extend the lifespan of a roof at a fraction of the time & cost it takes to install a new drain or tapered insulation.
What types of roof systems does it work on?
Single-Ply (PVC, TPO, EPDM), Modified Bitumen, Built-Up Roofs (BUR), Metal, Foam, Shingle
What can you top-coat it with?
White Acrylic, Aluminum Mastic, Modified Mastic, Elastomerics, Emulsions, Membranes
How do I estimate the number of buckets I need?
One kit covers 9 sq ft & weighs 2 lbs per sq ft at a 1” depth
You can use the material estimation calculator: https://greenslope.co/estimate/
How thick can it be tapered?
GreenSlope can be tapered to just about any reasonable depth. For larger and deeper areas, you can add insulation to the roof surface before applying to achieve the most lightweight and efficient tapering solution.
Is the material self-leveling?
GreenSlope is not self-leveling. A trowel must be used to spread and level the material. It can also be built up and sloped to redirect water towards drainage areas